
Sometimes looking at music not only by checking out certain releases or what an artist says in an interview can lead to varying forms: Our Specials range from lengthy looks at scenes in certain places or at particular collectives releasing music in various shapes and formations. Furthermore we use our Specials page to host premieres for new music: Singles or videos but also sometimes even whole albums.

  • [Video Premiere] B34V3R 7337H - TH3 SM3LL 0F FR35HLY CUT GRA55

    “Why would anyone do drugs, when they can just mow a lawn?” Or also possible “Why would anyone go into an MMA ring, when they can just get their butt kicked by B34V3R 7337H?” Cybergrindcore at one of its finest moments with all the necessary hilarious subversive kind of humor, loads of electronic (blast)beat attacks, some pitbull-snapping rapping and much more. Enjoy our first premiere of the month, the new single by B34V3R 7337H!

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  • [Record Premiere] Executioner's Mask - ... Almost There

    Man, Philly you should be proud to have a band like Executioner’s Mask! Their new record …Almost There will be released in less than 24 hours and you should all the dancing in public, with loads of dope, guns and effin in the streets! We here at the Veil of Sound are proud to present our beloved audience the record in full!

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  • [Video Premiere] Harry Cloud - Sexy Tooth Situation

    Okay - easy one: If you like Sludge with a pinch of AmRep you need to listen to Harry Cloud and, lucky you, the video for his new single can now be watched right here on Veil of Sound!

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  • [Video Premiere] Damokles - Angel in a Dumpster

    Wow, this is something: We at VoS are premiering a brand new song and video from Damokles, one of Norway’s most interesting underground bands these days, called ”Angel in a Dumpster”.

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  • [Video Premiere] Rule of Two - Year Zero

    A year or so ago Ronny Flissundet and Kristian Liljan began to explore new musical ideas outside the metal genres they had been playing for the last 20+ years. They participate in hard-hitting well-established bands like KITE, Damokles, and Dunderbeist. They dug into the 80s Dreampop, and threw in some Darkwave, synth-pop, electronica, a hint of industrial, and more to create a melodic genre-bender atmosphere in their musical adventure. They released their first EP Drowning in June this year.

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  • [Song Premiere] Papangu - Lampião Rei

    A few years ago, I was somewhat devastated because trying to come up with a good and well-grounded AOTY always make me shiver, and when I was introduced to Papangu’s last masterpiece Holoceno it came a few days before XMas, when my list for 2021 was already out and about. Thus this Brazilian masterpiece had not been included, for the hanged man’s sake. However, the guys are about to release a new record (in September, thankfully) and we are more than happy to present their first single “Oferenda no Alguidar” exclusively on Veil of Sound!

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  • [Video Premiere] Mountainscape - Irisdescent (live)

    The Scrivener-lads are back it again with the help of bass player Ethan they released their new record Iridescent yesterday and we are more than happy to present you the session for the title track right here before you can go chat with the guys on Facebook during a live Q&A! Enjoy!

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  • [Record Special] Three Second Kiss - From Fire I Save the Flame

    Name a band that has their records distributed by Southern Lord and Dischord? That toured with Shellac and June of 44? Who was able to record albums with Steve Albini and Don Zientara? Hard one? Yes, maybe, but there is one - Three Second Kiss. Three Second who? Three Second Kiss from Italy. Nevermind all these accomplishments and circumstances, there are not enough people who know about the trio for whichever reason. But that needs to be changed and therefore we are very happy to do our share. When they started, the trio was located in Bologna and now 2/3 of them live in Catania, Sicily and only one of them remains in Northern Italy. The fact that they have a new record out, From Fire I Save The Flame (out via Overdrive Records) is not amazing per se - but that this record sounds as fresh as their former material. It is as urgent and driven as their earlier records. We talk with the “two Sicilians” about the new songs, their band’s history, life in general and many specific details - please listen to this amazing Post-Hardcore recordm check out our review and enjoy our interview!

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  • [Video Premiere] Partholón - Pillars

    This premiere is not only a wonderful tale of loyalty and keeping promises but one for an awesome band releasing on amazing labels and, last but not least, additionally it is a premiere for a mindblowing track somewhere between Progressive Post-Metal and highly melodic Sludge: stick it in your (pointy) ears - Partholón will go far with this record and we are happy to give you “Pillars”!

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  • [Record Special] Upright Forms - Blurred Wires

    Skin Graft Records is one of those labels that more people should know about, for its integritry, artistic vision and excellence at roster building. I mean, hey, Fisher and Company had Melt-Banana, Shellac, Zeni Geva or US Maple but also great new bands like Squid Pisser (remember our interview with Tommy recorded on Super Bowl Sunday!), Cheer Accident, Lovely Little Girls or Cuntroaches. Next week, June 28th, Skin Graft is going full circle by releasing Blurred Wires, the raucous new record by Upright Forms, which is the newest outfit of Nick Sakes who was also part of the cult-underground 90s icons Dazzling Killmen, who - and here comes the full circle - released the very first record ever on Skin Graft. However, we try not to dwell on nostalgia too much, because it’s like fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, brushing over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth. And Nick is surely not one to dwell too much on moments past - that surely shows in Upright Forms’ songs which are angular and “math-y” but at the same time also still pretty poppy as he still likes a good melody or hook. You see we have a lot to talk about and therefore this conversation with Nick is one of the nicest interview with an unsung hero of the past you might get your ears on! Furthermore, as if that interview wasn’t enough, we also give you a review of Blurred Wires to round off the whole package. So, enjoy our Record Special for the upcoming Upright Forms-record!

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  • [Record Premiere] Typhon Sleeps Heavily - Under Unknown Influence

    Sometimes you get songs and records that need time, sometimes you do not even notice how they are crawling into your earchannels. Typhon Sleeps Heavily does just that on their EP Under The Influence - if you want to witness background music pushing for your attention without pushing, then this record today should be right your thing!

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  • [Record Premiere] Solar Temple - Celestial Kingdom

    Okay, this is a real trend - Solar Temple is yet another artist who has a second premiere in a rather short while: Last time we premiered their collaboration with Dead Neanderthals now we give you one of the tracks of their upcoming record A Gift That Should Have Been Reserved for the Great Lights out next week via Consouling. “Celestial Kingdom” shows the project from a very different yet still highly psychotic (or psychedelic?) side. Enjoy!

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  • [Band Special] Mr Bungle - a deeper look at the myth, the band, the music

    We are always trying to come up with new content and also open to guest writers delivering first class articles. When William York and we got talking a few months ago, we quickly hit it off and it became clear, that he would write something very special for us. He knows a lot about the band, has interviewed several band members over the course of the last 20-some years and has been to see two concerts on the recent live runs. In this essay, he tries to come up with an answer what constitute the Mr. Bungle-experience and what their existence as such still means. As Mr Bungle is currently in Europe with their “Geek Show” we thought, it’d be cool to split up Will’s extensive and intensive texts into two parts.

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  • [Record Special] SIBIIR - Undergang

    Can a band that seemed like seasoned veterans with their first full length in 2016, expand their musical scope further into new avenues in the Heavy Metal realm with a third album? The Norwegians SIBIIR undoubtedly can - heavier, denser even more diverse with relentless anger and desperation at the heart of the music.

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  • [Record Premiere] Solar Temple & Dead Neanderthals - Embers Beget the Divine

    Ah, the Netherlands. Land of windmills, cheese, canals. But also land of Psychedelic Black Metal and Avantgarde Jazz, these two things being much more important for VoS than the three former Dutch classics. And what do we get when these two musical ideas melt? Yes, we get a “classic” Dutch collaboration record by Dead Neanderthals and Solar Temple. Man, how proud we are, to premiere the whole record two days ahead of the official release date for you! Enjoy!

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  • [Video Premiere] Mount Logan - Track 03

    Doing two premieres by one and the same band or artist seems to become a thing here on VoS - a few weeks ago we gave you two VORARE premieres within a few days, and now it’s Mount Logan who were so kind to let us premiere “Track 03” after our first one 12 days ago.

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  • [Record Special] Rule of Two - Drowning

    Lifting the memories of 80s and 90s synth-based music and fusing it with Indie influences and modern Darkwave. I did not see that coming from two long-serving musicians from the Oslo metal underground.

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  • [Song Premiere] Million Moons - Uncharted Waters

    Million Moons is a London based Post-Rock band that aims to tell stories through emotional and cinematic spheric Post-Rock as their debut Gap in the Clouds showed us in 2022. That was a brave musical take on something that affects many of us, Alzheimer´s.

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  • [Video Premiere] Mount Logan - Track 01

    Album of the Year was a pretty self-assured, if not to say arrogant, record title by Faith No More nearly 30 years ago. Well, in their case, it was justified. Fast-Forward to 2024 and we get another record with a pretty self-confident title - Mount Logan named their upcoming record Best of Music. And even though we love its tongue-in-cheek meaning, we are more than convinced of it and thus present you the video for the first track (also aptly titled “Track 01”) here on VoS!

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  • [Video Premiere] DRLCT - Interlinked

    If you have experienced the same thing as Fantin Reichler or yours truly, this premiere will seem like a very good depiction of what you had to watch. As these moments were pretty hard to go through, let’s have a closer look at the music, as it speaks volumes and is a reason for VoS to be proud to give you this premiere for their third single “Interlinked”!

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  • [Record Premiere] Vorare & Earthflesh - Rope Tower

    NO! You are not mistaken, we have yet another VORARE premiere for you this month! And this time it is the premiere of the whole record they will be releasing with Earthflesh on Friday. Whether you “enjoy” this tour de force or not is up to you, but you will probably not be able to do something but listen simultaneously to this record!

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  • [Song Premiere] Vorare - Vacuous

    More or less 200 seconds that are pumped full of everything synths and modulators, drones and beats can procure - that is Vorare’s new single “Vacuous” which we have for you today. Post-Punk beats meet Black Metal scream countered by some vibrating oscillating Drones and all garnished with a pretty chaotic Noise soundscape - et voila! Enjoy our latest premiere right here, right now.

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  • [Video Premiere] Death by Gong - In Despair

    A few weeks ago, we had Learning Curve Records an interview with METZ (which btw is still insanely “under-watched” if you ask me, because the band has been one of the best on Sub Pop for many years now) - and if you want to know why bands like METZ are relevant in 2024 check out this video premiere for one the latest bands on the criminally underrated Crazysane Records label - Death by Gong and their song “In Despair”. The lyric video for it is filled with visuals to keep your eyes blurry and the sounds are there to make your ears bleed because of the crushed candy that the trio injects into them!

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  • [Video Premiere] Lucy Kruger & the Lost Boys - Dripping Trees

    Does anyone remember the Mokka Efti Ensemble from Babylon Berlin? Or the Dresden Dolls? Or Sabbath Assembly? Somewhere in between these bands you could locate South African-born and now Berlin-based artist Lucy Kruger. There is this certain Golden Twenties-vibe about her music that one would probably associate with Vaudeville. Enjoy our premiere of her latest and last video “Dripping Trees” which comes three weeks before the release of her new album!

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  • [Record Special] Antzaat / Ronarg - Madness / Morgen

    Admittedly, Black Metal in its rather athmospheric branches is one of our head honcho’s favorite soundscapes. However, there is nothing wrong with some gold old fashioned, classic-stylized Black Meal (not wanting to use the trve terminology). Therefore this split between two Belgian dark Black Metal powerhouses Antzaat and Ronarg is a welcome different shade of icy black. Enjoy!

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