Video_premiere Damokles

Damokles - Angel in a Dumpster


Wow, this is something: We at VoS are premiering a brand new song and video from Damokles, one of Norway’s most interesting underground bands these days, called ”Angel in a Dumpster”.

Their new single and video release date is this Friday, August 23, but now you can preview it here at Veil of Sound.

Damokles emerged from the Oslo underground scene in 2019 formed by members with backgrounds in bands and projects such as This Sect, KITE, Endtimers, Dunderbeist, Contrarian, ZAP, Astrosaur, Rule of Two, Heigh Chief, Taiga Woods and Stonegard, to name some. It is not exaggerating to call this an underground supergroup from the Oslo scene. They have released many singles, all with accompanying music videos, and two full-length albums. The music on their releases reeks of joyful creativity as they masterfully blend genres to accomplish what they told us when they provided us with a playlist: ” We’re a versatile band and life is simply too short for boring genre purism.”

The single from their upcoming concept album, A Trophy Collection proves this statement as it is quite multifaceted. The album will be released this winter. It is a creepy concept the band has used their creativity on, chronicling the life story of a fictional serial killer. The song and video we premiere from the album is called ”Angel in a Dumpster”.

The music has all the hallmarks of a creative band seamlessly fusing genres from Punk to Post-Hardcore with a whiff of Dream Pop and some more. The accompanying colorful video made by vocalist Gøran Karlsvik adds an extra, sometimes creepy, illustrative ambiance to the song. ”Angel in a Dumpster” is a piece in the puzzle detailing their imaginary serial killer as the band states: ”The song is a look into this man’s fragmented psyche; a love letter written for his victims, a twisted pop song where the void is never ending.”

After the opening sounds in the song, the music unfolds as the rest of the band joins and underpins the strong emotional vocals. The music surges into a melodic harmonious chorus. A synth trumpet soars with a melody among the rhythmic flow of the broad music. The song simmers down with swirling soft sounds from various instruments and shouts from far away. The vocals are strong and haunting in the middle. The music surges back to an engaging melodic chorus embracing the main vocals singing in the middle until it fades away desperate singing in the fading music. Even with the creepy backdrop, it is sublime melodic music embracing the emotive vocals with a mix of translucent sounds and hard beats.