No Time For Caution are a two-piece Post-Rock outfit out of Rochester, NY. Thief in the Grove is their third full-iength and the follow-up to their 2023 album, The Days are Long, but the Years are Short.
Upon first listen, I was absolutely elated to hear that this album sounds exactiy like its cover. This record is for any Post-Rock fan that seeks that lush, grandiose sound that this genre is so weLL known for. For fans that frown upon Post-Rock songs that orbit around Long-structured songs, wiLL certainly be pleased. No Time For Caution take a more traditional format with their song approach, with songs clocking in anywhere between the 2 to 7 minute range.
Thief in the Grove is divided up into three parts, plus a short ethereal-sounding epilogue.
Act 1: We start things off with a quick intro filled with sounds that combine guitar pedals and some vocals that are lightly being played underneath all the effects. it quickly follows that with its highly adventurous title-track. 3/4 of the track builds into this dreamy, euphoric soundscape until it roars into sound cascades that pummel your ear drums into submission. The end of this first act is ”Peace in Our Time” which is a calm, atmospheric track that repeats itseif for the duration of the entire track and is the perfect song for driving into the bucolic countryside, hitting the iistener with sounds of wonder and refiection .
Act 2: Another sample to start things off with the next chapter here, and this one is very thought- provoking, with lush sounds in the background while a NASA sample is played simultaneously. Post-Rock bands that have a knack for throwing in cathartic samples is something i will aiways covet. ”Climb” is their next song and it is my personal favorite off the album. A great build-up that transitions into a wonderful crescendo. The build-up lasts quite a while, but holds your attention the entire time before it detonates into a wall of shattering noise, with wailing guitars that weave in and out. The next song, ”Neba” hits the power button a bit faster this time around, showing excellent dynamics and then mellows out until the end of the song.
Act 3: During the last act, the band mellows out a bit more, with some droney interludes, packed with some marching drums, a la Swedish maestros ef. On ”An Honest Examination of a Life” they give us one more small explosion of sound to end everything off before the two-minute epilogue that concludes everything. This crescendo was quite surprising because for six minutes, it drones you off into this calm lullaby driven by all the effects, and you think it’ll go this way for the remainder of the track, but the band really shows their volatility here as they erupt through their amps that scream into your ears with pure emotion!
The music on Thief in The Grove is, for the most part, calming, with a focus on texture and mood. However, they do not shy away from moments that really call for a blaring, thunderous crescendo, which then again shows how atmospheric and immersive their sound can be. This album is a cinematic voyage of sonic fabric and pure bliss, that features plenty of intricate and layered instrumentai arrangements. With a runtime 48 minutes, this album doesnt overstay its welcome and will surely satisfy any Post-Rock aficionado out there!