Song_premiere Mugger

Mugger - Know it All


Whenever someone who’s really “in the know” recommends a great band to you, you should be happily take that advice. In this case we will not disclose who it is straightaway, but I can tell you - this rec is awesome: New New School Hardcore delivered by a great band from one of the most conservative US states that will surely challenge many folks down there (not in their hometown, Austin, that is, but outside!): Mugger. They’ll release their next record called Luck Forever in a few weeks and you can get another song right here on Veil of Sound!

The band from Texas is surely one to bug many of the conservative (punks) with their lineup of two women and two guys and the vocals are being shared but most of all with their open understanding of how to write good (Hardcore) Punk. It is closer to the HIRS Collective than to for example Biohazard, thematically as well as musically. They do not hide their feminist tendencies (even though I have to say it’s a shame we still have to talk about the important strife for equality) and the way they incorporate completely different genres with jazzy trippy electronic elements as well as feisty distortion or some HipHop beats. The urgency of Punk combined with a very modern sound and all melt together to give you a sound somewhere between said collective and War on Women. The running time of 24 minutes is filled with a great combination of straightforward songs, great sounds and some cool samples. Enjoy!

If you want to pre-order the record check Mugger’s Bandcamp page or Quiet Panic’s website!

Still need to know whose rec this is? Okay, it was Justin’s. Nothing more to be said, thanks man!