Video_premiere Rule_of_two

Rule of Two - Year Zero


A year or so ago Ronny Flissundet and Kristian Liljan began to explore new musical ideas outside the metal genres they had been playing for the last 20+ years. They participate in hard-hitting well-established bands like KITE, Damokles, and Dunderbeist. They dug into the 80s Dreampop, and threw in some Darkwave, synth-pop, electronica, a hint of industrial, and more to create a melodic genre-bender atmosphere in their musical adventure. They released their first EP Drowning in June this year.

Here at Veil of Sound we are proud to be given the chance to premier their brand new song and video that will be released on 16 August. This is a taste of their new album release that will come this winter. Their impressive vein of creativity never stops and they meld genres seamlessly maybe carving out a new genre for themselves. As previously the multitude of beats drive forward the music while Flissundet´s vocals float above creating a melodic expanse that is abrupted with a section of tumultus beats and sounds. When the vocals come back Flissundet shows his vocal range as the soft vocals dip into harsh hardcore singing as a specter of darkness seeps into the music. It soon lifts up to an end with rising melodic and dreamy music.

The accompanying video made by Liljan is a delightful blurry kaleidoscopic collage counting down to zero. As with the other videos he has made to their songs, they are expanding the imaginative elements made by the music and Flissundet´s lyrics.

About the lyrics the band says: ”Lyrically, ‘Year Zer0’ is about promises and resolutions not being kept, and giving up on both oneself and on others, having heard the same year again and again. So lets start from scratch, start over, from year zero.”. Underlined by a line from the song: ”Another year, another test / With zero promises in mind.”

Here at Veil of Sound you can explore more about this interesting duo. We have an interview where they discuss music, the Marvel and Star Wars universe and the name they chose for the band.

And Rule of Two also provided us with a playlist, showing us the musical inspirations behind their explorations blending genre into a new whole of music.

You can also find the band here:
Bandcamp YouTube Spotify