Interview with Brian Tennison (Eave)

Eave - Interview


Black Metal itself is a highly paradox genre right? It’s always been connected to both - furor and melancholy. Musically, Atmospheric Black Metal represents that probably best, and one upcoming Atmospheric Black Metal band from the Northeastern USA (aka New England) that does that brilliantly is Eave. As we were proud to host a video premiere for them some weeks back, we are even happier that we got a chance to talk to Brian and hear some of his thoughts.

Brian is a pretty reflective guy and so his answers come out well-versed and clear cut, which is always nice for an interviewer who was a bit sleepy at the time of recording. We talked a lot about the record (out on Bindrune Recordings), the video we were able to host, the dichotomy within modern Black Metal and to what extent the band’s surroundings in New England influenced their sound and songs. Enjoy the interview and make sure to check out their album!

Shirts of the day: Blut aus Nord & KEN mode

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