Pneu Get_old_or_die_tryin

Pneu - Get Old Or Die Tryin


A metallic rubber band heated to maximum kelvin snapping between two undulating spires shapeshifting into a volumeless liquid.

Nine years. Nine years of the world turning over and upside down, cycling between moonless days and sunless nights. Nine years of an inactive Tumblr kinetically roaring a fumed breath of a two-headed dragon laying dormant with thirty other endeavors. Binidu, kythibong Records, Presque Tout, along a sealed oversized experimental bag of others secured by a chain, only to be unlocked by the curious.

Geoffroy and Vassereau are busy bees indeed. A kind of restlessness that holds one in total and complete abandon on Get Old Or Die Tryin’ — in every facet of the term. There are five-piece bands that fail to wield the chaos energy of these two octopi; not unlike duos like DŸSE or Staer. If the three bands played together — the stage would surely be decimated as though a cruise missile cutting through a thousand year old parchment. This is a palpable turmoil that is simply only imagined on wax, begging to be experienced in front of the speaker at Grnnnd Zero in Lyon or Black Sheep.

The dry wit here is surely intact as well. There is a cool blase nature to the titles like Matière Trè Très Grise” (“Very Very Grey Matter”) and simply “Musique” — an air of dudes that simply give too little and too many f*cks all at once. It shows. Pennie and Weinman would be in this French pit, rolling between the Montpellier and Montpelliéret hills.

The altitude noisily bounces between frenzied rolls and the ozone pushing you into multiple directions as though being tied to an airplane rising and falling towards its demise — only to yank you by your collar back into your chair.

You’re broken and beat by the end of the ride but satisfied. You press play again to feel the rollercoaster blow back your non-existent hair. If this is what gettin’ old feels like — the future is bright.