Interview with Bryan Funck (Thou)

Bryan Funck - Interview


As we already told you on Sunday, sometimes one has to reschedule - therefore we leave for a month and yes, we want to go out with a bang, and which band and record could be more suitable for that than Thou, their new record Umbilical (out on Sacred Bones Records) and their singer Bryan Funck? Right, probably none! So, let’s dive deep into the new record, its meaning and theme and where to place it within their discography. Our man Hunter has already shared his ideas about the record and we want to supplement that with a detailed talk with Bryan, who is one heck of a laid-back interview partner, very open, clear and dedicated to his band. Even though those might not be the adjectives to describe the sound on Umbilical as the record is rowdy, noisey and yet melodic and positively dark. In our mind, this record is one of these people should be listening to now and for years to come - thus we jumped at the opportunity to do this interview. Hopefully you like it and maybe you give us a subscription, leave a comment and tell your friends about VoS. We will be back in September with the next interview and, my god, it’s gonna be a great one! So if you do not want to miss out - remember to keep twiddling these dials!

“Shirts of the Day”: Insect Ark , Silver Godling , Supplicate

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