Interview with Alex Edkins (METZ, Sub Pop Records, Indie-Rock)

METZ - Interview


METZ from Canada have now been a household name for everyone who loves Indie-Rock with an emphasis on ROCK, or maybe even Punk and their latest record “Up on Gravity Hill” was released two weeks ago through their regular full-length home Sub Pop Records. The record is a bit more relaxed and chill on an initial spin, and offers some really hauntingly lovely melodies - and in that sense represents a lot of what Sub Pop stands for. METZ have become not only a residential band for the Seattle label, but also for its sound - and of course, as we got the chance to talk to guitar player/singer Alex Edkins we took it and talked to him about the new record and its development and sound, their position at Sub Pop, the differences between their original home Ottawa and their base Toronto. Enjoy the interview and maybe tell us, which other Sub Pop bands we should try to get an interview with?

Shirts of the Day: The Sound , Slow Crush

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