Interview with Bar McKinnon (Umlaut)

Umlaut - Interview


Bar McKinnon is one of those guys who are first off well-versed in so many things music that it seems as if they can talk about anything and everything all at once anywhere and everywhere. However, secondly, he might be the most energetic and enthusiastic guys you might meet out there - one can feel the Zoom connection beaming and gleaming when he starts to give a detailed answer. Why do we talk to him? Well, Umlaut, Teleorkestra and Bungle!

Bar McKinnon is a multi-instrumentalist with a strong focus on the saxophone and as he is very versatile and a virtuoso it might have been a match-made in weirdo heaven when he joined Mr Bungle a few decades ago. One can hear his skills on the band’s first three published full-lengths and he even wrote a few songs and parts on each album. After the millenium he left the band and started several projects one of them being Umlaut, an avantgarde jazz-pop band which released a few things here and there and who are surely a force to listen to. As they just released a new single (see beneath), we are very happy to have him on the show in order to talk pop music, subversity and more! Enjoy!

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Photo credit: Bailey Judd

Umlaut’s new single “Every Time”: