Veil of Sound

Veil of Sound

Lifting the veil from underground music.

Record_special Telepathy

Record Special with Telepathy

Ter_ziele Embodiment_of_death

Ter Ziele - Embodiment of Death

Rb Interview Greet

Interview with Greet

Amenra Withfangandclaw Detoorn

Amenra - With Fang and Claw / De Toorn

Noisepicker The_earth_will_swallow_the_sun

Noisepicker - The Earth Will Swallow the Sun

Rb Interview Messa

Interview with Messa

Thebody_intensivecare Was_i_good_enough

Intensive Care & The Body - Was I Good Enough?

Lambrini_girls Who_let_the_dogs_out

Lambrini Girls - Who Let The Dogs Out

Record_special Pyramid_mass

Record Special with Pyramid Mass

Song_premiere Appropriate_savagery

Song Premiere with Appropriate Savagery

Cloakroom Last_leg_of_the_human_table

Cloakroom - Last Leg of the Human Table

Rb Interview Choke_chain

Interview with Choke Chain

Bambara Birthmarks

Bambara - Birthmarks

Record_premiere Baptized

Record Premiere with The Baptized

Record_special Som

Record Special with SOM

Song_premiere Carthage

Song Premiere with CARTHAGE

K _l_p_s S_t

K L P S - s/t