Record Premiere Typhon_sleeps_heavily

Typhon Sleeps Heavily - Under Unknown Influence


Sometimes you get songs and records that need time, sometimes you do not even notice how they are crawling into your earchannels. Typhon Sleeps Heavily does just that on their EP Under The Influence - if you want to witness background music pushing for your attention without pushing, then this record today should be right your thing!

Many people call their music transcendental, or cosmic; their bands is performing transcendental sounds, they themselves are nothingh but vessels for music that is already “out there”. With Typhon Sleeps Heavily this feels different. Listening to the record, one has the notion that Mika and Topi use all their experience from bands like Fuzzifer, Cantata Sangui, and Kaaos in Eccentris in order to create something like a crossover between the Bilitis soundtrack, sounds made by Mr Theremin himself, some strangely Out-of-Space Psychedelia and well-proportioned chunks of Drone and Ambient. The duo seems to respond directly to some of the sounds they are producing. It all feels like a very “in the moment” thing.

They embellish some of their songs with some heavenly female vocal harmonies (do not mistake this for lyrics, it’s just harmonizing) or they tune the bass (which is apart from the synthesizers the only instrument used on this EP) to a very warm sound which results in the record being much brighter than one expect from that corner of the musical scope. Yes, this is music out of the ordinary, this is unusual, but it is not haunting or threatening. The way these songs are constructed they are somehow able to set the tiniest toe into your earlobe and crawl a little more inside with every passing second, and because of the warmth and subtle nature of their songs, one is never opposing this process.

The record will be out this Friday, June 21, but we are very happy to present Under Unknown Influence to you - just follow this link and enjoy the EP. Maybe you will even witness when the songs actually become more than background music. I didn’t, but I know it did and therefore I have to listen again. And maybe again. Again.