Interview with Sleepwalker

Sleepwalker - Interview


Some of our interviews are audio only for a good reason and today’s is such an occasion. 夢遊病者 (or “Sleepwalker”) are one of these enigmatic bands that see their members as mere vessels for songs and structures that are already there but only need to be turned into sound. The musicians behind it thus become somewhat obsolete and therefore irrelevant. Nevertheless we are happy to talk with one of them - and this not in a written form as we did roughly two years ago but as a podcast interview!

However, one thing must be clear from the start - we did not do this interview for obscurity’s sake or for the novelty, we wanted to do it because the band is one of the most intriguing ones anywhere at the moment. Their mix of sometimes brutal Blackened Death Avantgarde and a highly eclectoc number of other genres is a bespoke proof of their skills and their knowledge. The musicians behind the veil gathered a lot of intricate details about nearly every genre known to man, maybe apart from such aural atrocities and abominations as German Schlager or Polish Disco Polo. Throughout the course of our interview it becomes more and more obvious that this band is a unique occurence of humility and talent. And let’s be frank, when the music is so overwhelming, who finds time to occupy oneself with the musicians’ CVs? Enjoy the interview with the nameless and with a lot of deep talk and nerdism!