Playlist Kalkas

Playlist #67 by Kalkas


Thorsten’s review of their full-length debut showed a lot of people why it was important to listen to Swiss band Kalkas. And this playlist might show which bands and songs are important to them. Enjoy all you VoS-aficionados out there!

“Kalkas aims to create intense, emotional and narrative music. Telling stories in music, about the strange entity that is Kalkas and the dangers it represents for modern humans. Our voices come to tell, in the style of spoken words, our anguish linked to global warming and the destruction of Nature. We want to give our music a natural touch, coming from the primary nature while mixing the different musical styles of this playlist. In this one, we have gathered a series of tracks that inspire us, as much in the atmospheres as in the music itself. You will find stoner, doom, psychedelic music, black metal, acoustic music or post-rock for example.   Kalkas is a trio from Lausanne in Switzerland, formed in 2019. The pandemic allowed us to record our first album Envoûtante Sève and to lay the foundations for our future stories.

We wish you a good listening and hope to meet you virtually or physically!”