Video_premiere Harry_cloud

Harry Cloud - Sexy Tooth Situation


Okay - easy one: If you like Sludge with a pinch of AmRep you need to listen to Harry Cloud and, lucky you, the video for his new single can now be watched right here on Veil of Sound!

If you ask me, there is nothing irritating or even “god-denying” about this video. If anyone feels offended by it, that person must be a way-too-strict believer in the institution church, the institution not their system of beliefs. Get as sense of humor, you old spinnersters!

But the video element itself is not the only reason why you should watch it - the main part is the music and man! What a great crunchy, crushing sound it is! Strong riffs, repetitive yet not boring. A massive wall of sound similar to old churches and cathedrals built on some crackling distortion before kicking in completely and all of that garnered with a voice from the depths of the devilish heat of purgatory. The track is slow-paced and somewhat melancholy even in its vibe. Harry’s new record Sexy Tooth Situation will be released at the beginning of October via his own label Whiteworm Records and you can get your pre-orders in via his own Bandcamp page. After having listened to the whole record just a few hours ago, I can assure you, that some of the songs are more experimental in nature but not any less noisey or sludgey at all! So beware the beastman, for he hunts in Clouds!