Interview with Deaf Club X Fuck Money

Deaf Club X Fuck Money - Interview


Deaf Club is one of the amazing bands that many people will discover at Roadburn this year and then they might be surprised that they’re touring with another great band called Fuck Money. The fact that these two Scrape Rock meets Noise-Core bands now release a split 7” on Three One G Records makes this interview with both bands even more special. And to put the cherry on the top they agreed to ask each other questions! One of the best interviews with one of the coolest flows ever here on the Veil of Sound! So, for everyone, check out the interview, listen to the four tracks (including a banged up version of Nirvana’s “Tourette’s” by Deaf Club)

Sometimes you do an interview no matter how late or early it is - this is one of them. But there are also some more reasons for it:

  • when Justin Pearson asks you to do something like this, do it, because he is just a really nice guy.
  • the music is fast, unrelenting, unforgiving and yet not brutal
  • any band who chooses “Tourette’s” as their Nirvana song to cover and not something obvious like “Polly”, “Lithium” or (even less demanding) “Smells Like Teen Spirit” or “Come As You Are” - that band is a good one!
  • having two bands that go together like glue and Tim Taylor’s forehead are a must-have-combo on record and for such an interview
  • Scrape Rock needs to become a frequently used genre term in music journalism. ;)
  • been funny and sometimes silly does not mean that the musicians do not take their music seriously!
  • such a 7” combo usually does not get the attention it deserves.
  • if one band has their guitarrist take over vocal duties and then he amplifies it through his guitar - that must be some sick sound, sick effect and sick dude!
  • most important reason for me: Record must entertain in a way, and this record sure as San Diego apocalypse does!

The new record will be released on Friday (March 22) and you can order it via Three One G’s Bandcamp or directly from their webstore. Wherever you buy it, you surely know what you get once you watched the four guys interview each other. The only negative thing about this interview: I am still in dire need to interview someone from the HIRS collective who contributed to the Deaf Club side! So if you read this, folks - hit us up!

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