Interview with Verwoed (Wolves of Hades Records, Argento Records, Psychedelic Black Metal)

Verwoed - Interview


There are many ways to spell Black Metal (no not in the literal sense!) - it can be done in a rather classic way, a somewhat Trve Scandinavian version, maybe a bit more Atmospheric or Folkloristic and it can also be spellt in a very Psychedelic manner. Examples? Fluisteraars, Ultha, Iskandr or, on the new record “The Mother”, Verwoed. Interestingly all four bands come from the regions along the Rhine, either in the Netherlands or Germany. Verwoed’s latest record is a prime example of how that kind of Psychedelic Black Metal can be done - mixing Post-Punk, Shoegaze and of course Black Metal with a pinch of classic Psychedelic song arches thus turning a modern song into a kind of voyage through the last 50+ years of heavy songwriting. While talking to Erik, the mastermind behind Verwoed, we learn a lot about his process of songwriting and the difference to recording. This record proves to us, that the Dutch Black Metal scene is one of the most interesting and promising ones worldwide. Enjoy our interview with Verwoed!

Shirts of the Day: Iskandr , Mizmor

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(Photo Credit: Heiner Bach)